Guide dogs

Description of forum: In Service and Guide Dogs forum members can share stories about their service dogs and ask questions regarding them. This forum is for Service Dogs as covered under the ADA regulations. If you have questions on how to apply for a service dog or what to look for this would be a great place to start.
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Guide dogs

Post by Ashlee » Sun Sep 03, 2017 10:11 pm

This is where members can share stories about their guide dogs and ask questions regarding their guides. Maybe your guide is acting out and another member can help you with that or you have questions on how to apply for a guide. This is the spot to chat about that. :)
Site Admin Ashlee 💚

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Re: Guide dogs

Post by dremitchell » Mon Sep 04, 2017 6:25 pm

Hello my name is Andrea and I have a beautiful guide dog named Newcastle of almost 3 years now. Newcastle received his name from his puppy raiser Nancy Joseph. Her and her husband often enjoyed Newcastle beer and were asked to pick a name for him with the letter that started with the letter N. After completing the Orientation Center For The Blind school which took me about two years because of all of my relapses. I was able to have confidence in my mobility which led me into getting a guide dog. It is very important to be proficient in using your blind cane and getting around Mobility wise before applying for a guide dog. The often misconception is that a guide dog is like a GPS. This is not true as you have to tell and direct the Guide Dogs where to go. You still have to be aware of your surroundings and know when it is OK to cross the street by listening to traffic. I do love the fact though that my Guide dog is able to warn me if I am headed towards oncoming traffic. He will let me know if someone is backing up. He will warn me if there is a curb and stop so I know not to proceed forward. After owning my Guide all of these years I am confident in knowing he will always have my back as I will have his. The bond is incredible that gets formed between you and your guide. The main decision now is whether you will have time to keep your guide dog well trained and this takes continuous work. You also will need to factor in The fact that not all people like dogs. We are allowed to have them with us in most places, however there may be a few exceptions. I just had an incident where I was seeing a dermatologist and the first thing she did was look at my guide dog and pretty much ran out of the room saying she was asthmatic. In that case, thankfully my husband was with me and he was able to take Newcastle out of the room so I could be seen. This does not happen very often though please feel[attachment=0]IMG_0459.JPG[/attachment] free to reach out to me at anytime if you have any questions. Good luck and best wishes, Andrea and Newcastle
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Re: Guide dogs

Post by Ashlee » Mon Sep 04, 2017 9:02 pm

💚💚 Newcastle is so dang cute. I can't wait till I get my guide. See you guys in 17 weeks. 😘😘 Love you Mama.
Site Admin Ashlee 💚

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